
    No Tulemus (Sum)Handicap (HC)Kokku (Sum-HC)
    1Peivo Talviste63770
    1Silver Selliov61970
    3Aleksander Korikov69271
    4Andrus Lehismets531972
    5Tarmo Hütt74 74
    5Avo Sambla581674
    7Hillar Neiland611475
    8Allan Valk70676
    8Marko Viimsalu661076
    10Allain-Marco Anton611677
    10Asko Abel661177
    10Danny Anton76177
    13Tomas Kivestu74579
    14Hristo Neiland572380
    15Martin Aul681381
    16Ago Sambla651883
    17Timo Juursalu662187
    NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819202122+/-Sum
    1Andrus Lehismets -13F3233222322332323323221-1353
    2Hristo Neiland -9F3323332332322233423222-957
    3Avo Sambla -8F3333223323332323223332-858
    4Hillar Neiland -5F2332333333332242243233-561
    4Silver Selliov -5F2333232422343433323223-561
    4Allain-Marco Anton -5F4323332522223333223333-561
    7Peivo Talviste -3F2433323433335322423222-363
    8Ago Sambla -1F3333433342325233324322-165
    9Timo Juursalu 0F4332333323323342363233066
    9Asko Abel 0F3323332333333222434534066
    9Marko Viimsalu 0F3333334433233353323322066
    12Martin Aul +2F3334333433333342423333+268
    13Aleksander Korikov +3F3333442324344333324333+369
    14Allan Valk +4F3332354433343433323333+470
    15Tomas Kivestu +8F3433533433334334335333+874
    15Tarmo Hütt +8F3333422543334433425335+874
    17Danny Anton +10F5433333334344532434433+1076

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    The result was updated on: 2016-08-24 19:50:43.

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